CRAFT Publication: A step towards scalable high-content organ-on-chip technologies.
In a recent publication, Professor Milica Radisic and her colleagues reported important technological advances toward…
Congratulations Sargol on your wedding!
The Radisic Lab was thrilled to be invited to Sargol’s wedding, filled with love, laughter,…
Congratulations Milica on winning Humboldt Research Award!
Professor Milica Radisic (BME, ChemE) has been awarded the 2023 Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt…
Ying Wang of Radisic Lab Wins 2023 Convergence Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition
EPIC Convergence Postdoctoral Fellowships support postdoctoral trainees who are driving innovative infectious disease-focused projects that bridge two research disciplines. These senior trainees are…
‘Self-driving’ AI lab awarded $200M grant to pursue new drugs, materials
A “self-driving lab” that’s using artificial intelligence (AI) to reverse engineer how to make things like new…
Professor Radisic becomes Executive Editor of ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
Prof. Radisic on a team that won $35 million to modernize high containment facility for research that can help prevent future pandemics
The University of Toronto has received $35 million in critical research infrastructure funding from the…
Congratulations to Prof. Radisic on becoming a Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society
The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) recognizes individuals for their accomplishments, significant contributions and service to the Society and the…
Donnelly Centre Welcomes Two New Faculty Members
The Donnelly Centre is swelling its ranks of leading researchers with two new faculty appointments….